For all the posts I write about Ruthie, of which I'm sure there will be many, I've decided to call them "Life with Ruthie." So here is our first official "Life With Ruthie" post.
Last Saturday, Ruth Nellie went to her first birthday party. Sarah and Eric's second son, Noah, celebrated his 7th birthday with pancakes, sports at the park, presents and ice cream. It was the first time since Ruthie's birth that the whole family was together (sans my parents, who were traveling around the tip of South America on a two week cruise). Naturally, we got a picture of all the grandkids together. Here they are, all 13! What riches. I think I've mentioned before that Mary and Mike are expecting number 3, so we won't be 13 for long. Number 14 should be joining us in late March or early April.

We have been weighing Ruthie each week - yesterday she topped off at 10 pounds. 1o pounds! Isn't that amazing? She's doing so great, and is clearly gaining lots of weight. (Hey, that rhymes.) Here she is on her changing table, showing how big she is.

On Tuesday, Ian went back to work. Ruthie and I actually had a really good week on our own. I was afraid there would be lots of tears Tuesday morning, but we managed quite well. However, we were very excited for Daddy to come home on Tuesday (and each day since). So before he was due home, I changed her into an outfit befitting the occasion and took some photos. They all turned out so cute, but this one below is her best old man impersonation.

And here she is, getting some kisses from Daddy. Ian misses her a lot when he's at work, but he has made up for it this weekend, holding her, bathing her, changing her, reading to her and singing to her. What a good Daddy! And she loves her pokey kisses. Both of Ian's girls do. =)

Today in church as I was worshipping next to Ian (who was holding Ruthie in the Moby), I felt a wave of gratitude sweep over me. What a good gift Ruthie is and we are so thankful for her. Please, Lord, let me never forget what an answer to prayer she is and what a demonstration of your abundant goodness she is in our lives.
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