Discussing health plans based on their maternity benefits with a total stranger.
Since leaving full time work, we've had to get health insurance for me and Ruthie (Ian's school doesn't cover families). Because we are also trying to be frugal, we got a pretty cheap plan that doesn't currently include maternity benefits. Seemed like a good idea at the time, but then we got our bill from having Ruthie. $20,788!! Of course, with my DLBA insurance, our portion was only $1,500, but it sobered us up. If we get pregnant sooner than planned, we could be in real trouble.
So, I decided to call the insurance broker and see what our options are. Apparently, the law is changing so that in June, all health insurance plans will have to include maternity benefits. The guy was basically like, "Just don't' get pregnant before June." It was a bit of a strange conversation, trying to assure him we had no immediate plans to get pregnant, but also acknowledging that things are always in our control. Anyway, awkward.
You know what else is awkward? Going to Target and buying one item (to remain unnamed because it's embarrassing enough to even hint at it). But after receiving aforementioned bill, that one item seemed like a REALLY good idea.
Shopping for the aforementioned item is horribly embarrassing to me for some reason! I felt like a 15 year old kid and didn't want to make eye contact. Silly but true! Good idea on the purchase with the current healthcare situation. :)