Apparently, I have the maturity level of a junior higher, because so many of my posts have to do with bodily fluids. But seriously, look at this photo:
Impressive, huh? We weren't even into the park on Sunday when we had to have a complete costume change. Ian did the honors, since all the bathrooms in and around Disneyland have changing tables in both the men's and the women's restrooms. Just another reason we heart the Magic Kingdom!
The past few weeks have been action packed with Ian's side of the family - his sister and family both moved into a new house and had a baby! So we've been hosting grandparents and cousins and helping pack and move and oohing and awing over a new baby. I'll try to get a picture of her up soon. Ruthie is no longer the littlest cousin - now, she has Finnley Meredith Matthias to teach the ropes to!
Anyway, here is Ruthie, snoozing on Grandma. Having all that company wore her out!

Apparently, "tummy time" is very important for a baby's development (not to mention, it can help prevent the flat head syndrome!). So, we try to give Ruthie some tummy time every day. Sometimes, she likes to be propped up on my nursing pillow. Pretty cute, eh?

One of Ruthie's favorite things to do is stand - she thinks she's such a big girl. Here she is a few nights ago at dinner. Aw, look at my cute family!

It's a strange thing, really. We knew we wanted to have kids and we were so excited when we found out we were pregnant and thrilled when Ruthie finally came. But nothing could have actually prepared us for how wonderful it is. This little girl brings us so much joy. Thank you, Lord, for our sweet pea!
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