There are a a few blogs of people I don't know that I read. I'm not exactly sure why I read about people I don't know, but I do. One of them is about living frugally and one of them is about enjoying the small things. Both of these women entertain and inspire me, which is a great combo.
I read today on one of the blogs this story:
There is an ancient Native American story about an old Cherokee who told his grandson about the battle that goes on within us. "My son," he told him, "Inside every one of us dwells two wolves, one evil, one good. The evil one is angry and jealous, full of regret and arrogance, greed and sorrow, guilt and self-pity. The other is good. He is kind and loving, full of hope and peace, joy and compassion.
"The young boy thought about it for a moment. "Which wolf wins?" he asked his grandfather.
The old Cherokee smiled and simply replied, "...the one you feed."
I like this story. It's similar to what Jesus teaches, "The good person out of the good treasure of his heart produces good, and the evil person out of his evil treasure produces evil, for out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks." But I think what particularly struck me with the story is the feeding concept.
So even when the window is leaking or family members are struggling or the test result is negative (again), I choose to feed the good wolf, so that joy and hope and contentment win.
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