In the risk of sounding shallow and materialistic, I am here to say that I L-O-V-E designer jeans. In my life BDJ (Before Designer Jeans), I hated wearing jeans. Most run of the mill jeans are not made for short, curvy girls. Nothing looked good or felt good. Frump city, pretty much, with a side of saggy crotch.
And then a roommate introduced me to the joys of Sevens, Citizens and Paige Denim, and now I will never go back. Yes, they are expensive. But what's the point of having a $40 pair of jeans that you never enjoy wearing, compared to a $100 pair that you wear and LOVE! Still, it does mean I only get one or two pair of jeans every few years. But happy day! One of those days was Tuesday.
I got a pair of Paige jeans at Nordstrum Rack (can I get an amen for how awesome the Rack is?) and I feel like a new women. Is it sad that a nice pair of jeans makes me less dissatisfied with the way my body currently looks? Or is it not sad, but rather understandable, because dressing for your body type is a good thing and finding a pair of jeans that you feel like wearing doesn't come along every day?
Some quick self justification - I didn't spend any of our hard earned money on these expensive jeans. In the first place, they were reduced, because I bought them at the Rack. Secondly, I used a b-day gift card from Mom and Dad McCurry to cover most of the cost- thanks Mom and Dad! - for the balance, I also used some b-day money from my parents. So, in my mind, the jeans were a gift. =)
And man, oh man, I love them. I didn't know this was possible, but they make me look tall! And thinner! Hip hip hurray!
These jeans don't solve all my problems - I still need to eat smaller portions, eat less snacks at night time (though man, it is hard to pass up a bowl of popcorn while sitting on the couch watching a movie with Ian!) and make sure I'm getting the exercise I need. But, they have made me feel a little more attractive, and for that, I'm thankful.
Anyone else out there got some stories of how their life has changed ADJ (After Designer Jeans)?
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