We knew we wanted to do something, so that Christmas didn't just feel like presents and decorations, but we also wanted to be realistic about the kind of traditions we were trying to start - something sustainable and enjoyable. Ian said he wanted it to involve food; I felt like I needed it to be something that wasn't everyday. As wonderful as the Jesse Tree is, it just didn't feel doable for me with our kids the ages they are.
So, we decided to do a weekly Advent Dinner. This means that on the four Wednesdays leading up to Christmas (the fourth being Christmas Eve), we're having a special advent dinner. This dinner includes a fancy meal, a special dessert, candles and an advent reading. Ian's in charge of the reading and I set the menu.
We had our first Advent Dinner last Wednesday. We also wanted part of the tradition to be that Grandma and Grandpa come to the first Advent Dinner, so we invited them and they accepted quite willingly. It was a great night and Ian and I feel really excited about this new McCurry Tradition.
Sadly, I didn't get any pictures of the actual evening, just leading up to it. Here is the fancy chocolate cake that Ruthie and I made together.
Here is the table - part of the festivities include using cloth napkins and fancy plates. So fun!

And we had appetizers! Nothing says "Party!" like appetizers. For this first meal, I made ground lamb kabobs, pilaf, roasted broccoli and cauliflower and grapefruit. So for hors d'oeuvres, we had an assortment of Mediterranean food - olives, feta cheese, pita and lavash bread, and wild pickles. So yummy!

Whatever your family does to make this season special, I hope you really enjoy it!
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