Most days, our lives at home follow a pretty regular routine. We all get up, Jonah's nurses, we play, then we all have breakfast, then play a little more. Then Jonah goes down for a nap, Ruthie and I pick up a little, finishing the breakfast dishes and tidying the house.
Next, we typically do an exercise video. I say we because she really does do it with me, following along to the crunches and jumping jacks, always saying, "One more, Mama!" On the more complicated moves, she'll look over at me and say, "It's very hard." (I have to agree - some of the moves are tough!)
Anyway, after the DVD, I take a shower, so I can be ready to nurse Jonah and move on with the day when he gets up. Usually, I have a lot of visits from Ruthie during my shower, asking me when I'm getting out and if I have shampoo in my hair. On this particular day, though, I didn't have any visits.
I quickly learned when I got out of the shower why what was...
More evidence here...

And still more...

Needless to say, spankings followed. She is a big fan of baby powder. And before you go blaming me for leaving it where she could reach it, I didn't. She went into our closet, dragged the stool that's in there into our room and stood on top of it to reach the powder on our dresser. Clever, yes. Naughty? YES. Even as I'm typing this she's looking over my shoulder saying, "I touched powder. Ruthie got a spank." Well, hopefully the lesson is still sinking in, because I'm about to go take another shower!
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