A Few Good Quotes

"There is something so settled and stodgy about turning a great romance into next of kin on an emergency room form, and something so soothing and special, too." ~ Anna Quindlen

"Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, 'I will try again tomorrow.'" ~Mary Anne Radmacher

Friday, January 10, 2014

A Swing! And a miss.

We gave Ruthie a little potty for her birthday, a hand-me-down from her cousin Daniel (thanks, Daniel!). We also got her a book about going in the potty, which she has quiet enjoyed. Ian and I have been talking about putting pee-pee and poo-poo in the potty for a few weeks now and in the last week, she's started talking about it too. In the past, she's been a little afraid of the potty but just a few days ago she started saying she was ready to sit on it.

So yesterday, when she told me she wanted to put her pee-pee in the potty, I let her take her jammies and diaper off and sit on the potty. She did this quiet cheerfully for a few minutes, getting on and off, talking about the potty and being a big girl. While she did this, I sat at my desk and wrote a few thank you notes.

Just as I was finishing one up, I heard Ruthie begin to scream, "Poo poo ground!" Yep. About two feet from the potty, which she had just been sitting on, was a poop on the ground. For your viewing pleasure, I've captured the moment here.

She was VERY upset by the poop on the ground. She wanted me to dry it and wipe it up immediately. I decided to first put a diaper back on her (you never can tell when they're finished). The whole time I changed her and got her dressed she talked about the poop on the ground. I tried to assure her it was alright, that we would have accidents while we were learning how to use the potty, that it was okay.

Once I had cleaned her up, I cleaned up the poop. While I was doing that, she got on the "phone" (TV remote) and said, "Hello. Yeah. Poo poo on ground. But it's okay. Bye." I'm not sure who she was telling the news to but it was clearly part of her grieving process.

After I used some carpet cleaner on the spot, I left a rag on top of it, to sort of mark it off. She was deeply concerned about this and for the next two hours wouldn't walk through that part of the room, instead going around the other side the couch. And naturally, she talked about the poo poo on the ground all day and told Daddy about it when he got home. She's sitting on my lap as I type this and she can tell by the photo what I'm blogging about. Hopefully it doesn't embarrass her too much. =)

I'm sure as we continue this adventure called potty training we'll have lots more stories. I know you'll be waiting with baited breath. 

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