He is risen indeed! We just got home from Easter service at our church. I love Easter service. I know that Christ is alive everyday, but there is something very wonderful about declaring it victoriously as a church body on Easter morning. Alleluia!
We had a wonderful service of celebrating Jesus' victory of sin and death and soon, Ian, Ruthie and I will be making our way to Brea, where we will continue celebrating with our family. God's goodness is so abundant to us and we are so thankful.
But first, a few Easter musings.
During this time of year, I sense a little pressure to really "feel" Easter. I was talking about it with Ian yesterday while we were walking down by the beach. I know Easter is the biggest holiday of the year and so at times, I place on myself certain expectations for how I should respond to it. However, yesterday just felt like a regular Saturday. I couldn't seem to conjure up any thoughts about the day after Good Friday, the day before Easter.
But today - oh, today! It just came naturally. I felt praise and thanksgiving bubbling out of me without any expecation or pressure. My joy and desire to celebrate Christ's victory seemed the only logical response to the triumph of resurrection Sunday.
I was particularly struck by one of the verses that was part of worship today (1 John 4:10): "In this is love, not that we have loved God but that he loved us and sent his Son as an antoining sacrifice for our sins." Amen!
On this Easter Sunday, I hope all of you are basking in the glory of the risen Lord, and enjoying time with family.
On a lighter note, Ruthie is gearing herself up for her first Easter egg hunt - should be quite the spectacule. We have 17 kids for the hunt. And her Easter dress is to die for! Be back later with pictures!
But just because I can't help myself - Christ is risen, He is risen indeed!!
Seems like feelings are always best when they come naturally.