I meant to post this earlier but time got away from me. But in late July, me and another friend hosted a baby shower for our friend Chanda (yes, the famed Chanda of the hair products) from church. I was SO excited to celebrate the coming arrival of their spout (they also didn't find out the gender of their baby, hence the neutral nickname) and to have the event at our house. We love hosting and feel that it is one of the blessings of having a home.
And I have to say, the
McCurry house looked cute!

Don't you agree?
And now, we have white lights on the patio! I will have to take a picture at night so you can see how great it turned out. And, the vegetable garden that Ian and his sister Heather planted is going gangbusters! I already made two loaves of zucchini bread just from the zucchini's we picked over the weekend. So yummy! I'll try to take a picture of that too. Too bad I can't give you a slice of my bread.
I'm still waiting to hear more about that composting. Too much teasing, not enough....uh, un-teasing.