Since she was born within a week of Christmas, she got to participate in the hospital's stocking tradition. They sent her home with a stocking she could get inside of and since she was our favorite Christmas gift by far, we took a picture of her under our tree in the stocking. I'll let you see for yourself how darling it is.
A Few Good Quotes
"There is something so settled and stodgy about turning a great romance into next of kin on an emergency room form, and something so soothing and special, too." ~ Anna Quindlen
"Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, 'I will try again tomorrow.'" ~Mary Anne Radmacher
Monday, December 26, 2011
Christmas with Ruthie
Since she was born within a week of Christmas, she got to participate in the hospital's stocking tradition. They sent her home with a stocking she could get inside of and since she was our favorite Christmas gift by far, we took a picture of her under our tree in the stocking. I'll let you see for yourself how darling it is.
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Our Cricket Has Arrived!
Some day soon I'll give a fuller version of the birth story, but let's just say that after 11 days of being post due and 35 hours of laboring, this little lady made a very grand entrance.
She was 7 lbs, 4 ounces, as you can see in the photo below. And she is 19 inches long and all kinds of perfect.
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Day 10: Something's Happening
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Day 9: Are You Expecting Something?
Friday, December 16, 2011
Day 8: A Funny Story
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Baby Watch Day 7: All Quiet on the Western Front
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Day 6
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Day 5
Monday, December 12, 2011
My First Post Due Appointment
Friday, December 9, 2011
Nursery: Part 3
32 Years Old, 40 Weeks Pregnant
Obviously, Ian is with me and we're in our family room, by our tree (don't you just love Christmas?). This is just before Ian took me on a birthday date down to 2nd Street, where we ate at Open Sesame (YUM!), did a little shopping, got dessert at Frosted and then coffee at Starbucks. It was a wonderful date and I am so blessed to have such a great husband. He came home with bouquet of flowers, also. I know, too adorable. =)
The lovely date night was preceded by a delightful day full of the wonderful women and children in my family. I had a great walk with Mary and her kids, then met my mom and all my sisters and sister-in-laws for lunch, with their kids that weren't in school. And then Heather came over to wish me a happy birthday and due date day and we had a great time chatting before my date with Ian. I felt very loved and celebrated.
Now if only this kid would come and get his or her own birthday!
Thursday, December 8, 2011
40 Weeks Today, No Baby
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Blog-A-Thon: Nursery Part 2
Blog-A-Thon: Family Baby Shower
Monday, November 7, 2011
Baby Shower with Friends
These ladies recently got together to throw me a friends' shower, and man, did they do it up! I felt so loved and celebrated. In the photo, from left to right, is Heather, Ian's sister, my prayer partner and long time friend; Amy, former roommate and also long time friend; me; Mary (sister, in case some truly random person is reading this blog); and Chanda, dear friend of about 5 years and new momma herself!
Monday, October 31, 2011
Homemade Applesauce
I also had a plum that was on its way out so I decided to throw that in. Usually, adding things or changing the recipe comes out okay, but I was a little worried from the chocolate pudding debacle of 2011. Still, I figured apples and plums should be good together.
More Fall Adventures
For being in the middle of the city, it's actually a pretty cool "pumpkin patch." They have tons of variety on the ground, so it looks like they are growing, and then they had lots for sale in huge tubs. Aren't gourds so pretty?
I wish we had gotten a picture of all of us, but somehow the kids got all the attention. We are quite the bunch though - I'm due on Dec. 8th, Heather is due in early March and Mary is due early April. Our next little batch of kids will all be in the same grade! So fun!!
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Nursery, Part 1
But I wanted to show you all the first project I did. I ordered some ABC draw pulls to go on the changing table/dresser we bought on Craig's list. I love how it turned out!
Monday, October 17, 2011
Our Fall Experience
We made the drive to Oak Glen, which has about four miles of apple and pumpkin orchards, plus restaurants and bakeries, featuring apple cider, apple turn over, apple pies, apple butter - you get the idea.
We arrived in the main area, which has a whole town of activities - gun shows to watch, a petting zoo, live music, several bakeries, vendor booths, hay rides, etc. We mostly just walked around there and grabbed a bite to eat. Here we are at the wishing well in one of the little make shift town areas.
Monday, October 10, 2011
Huntington Beach, Take 2
We didn't have a 3-day weekend like we prefer to have, so the trip felt a little shorter, but we were still really glad we went.
Ian had to spend a lot of the day on Saturday grading, but I had a lovely time, reading, walking around Main Street, getting a pedicure. It was so fun.
On Saturday night, we tried to take a photo together. You can see the sequence of photos here and though they are all less than flattering of me, Ian says I can't delete them from our camera. He says they are our memories. =)
Easy for him to say - he looks the same (i.e. handsome) in all the photos. I look chubby, in varying degrees of being stoned. Ah, well, what can you do.
So here was our first attempt:
Second attempt:
Slightly better, but I still look a little stone.
Third attempt:
Good enough. By this point, we were laughing too hard to keep trying and it was pretty clear it just wasn't going to be good of me. So there you have it.
On Saturday night, before the picture debacle, we also had a picnic dinner on the stone area right by the pier. It was so nice!
Here is Ian, enjoying the picnic. It's a box pizza, grapes and some cauliflower. We were trying to be frugal, in our on-going attempt to save money and learn to live on less, with the arrival of our cricket less than 9 weeks away.
Verdict? Frozen pizza was great; grapes were good; cauliflower was disgusting. Raw cauliflower is just not that good, especially without Ranch dressing. So frugal or not, noble for eating our vegetables or not, I have to admit that half of the cauliflower got tossed.
We may try to squeeze in one more visit to Huntington but we'll see. We can of course go there with our cricket comes, before they sell, it would just be a different visit.
That's all for now. Have a lovely week everyone!
Thursday, October 6, 2011
I Noticed a Strange Thing this Past Weekend
Perhaps that has been case for a while and I just now noticed it, but it struck me as very notable now. When I look down, I can see my round baby stomach protruding much further than my "shelf" and it's got me all discombobulated! One of the many joys of pregnancy, I suppose.
I do feel like I am looking good and pregnant these days and that is very fun. Today marks Weak 31, or basically 7 months, so I'm starting to feel like we're nearing the home stretch. We can't wait to meet our little cricket!
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Sound of Music Sing-a-Long
But taking the cake was Maria and the Captain's first kiss. Nearly everyone in the amphitheatre had poppers/streamers waiting for just that moment and it was so fun seeing and hearing them going off all throughout the venue. Truly like fireworks. Next year, we will be more prepared! These people had obviously been there before.
Anyway, here is a HORRIBLE photos of the Hollywood Bowl. I had never been there before - it's an amazing venue and the acoustics are incredible. I would like to go back and see something live there. (If only it weren't for the stacked parking - but, thanks to lots of good luck and a general willingness to drive through bushes, over grass and off the curb, Mary and I were able to get out without waiting for all the other cars around us). That's another story, though.
This Zucchini Got Away From Us
Friday, September 16, 2011
28 Weeks and Homemade Pudding
We are getting very excited. In a few weeks, we're going to move furniture around (we just got a crib and changing table off Craig's list, thanks to my parents generosity!) and then after that we are going to register. I think both of these things will make it feel more real. But at least I'm good and showing now! Most people can tell I'm pregnant, so that's nice. =)
On a totally unrelated note (and not meriting its own post), I made homemade pudding last night. I got the recipe from the blog Frugal Girl, which I've mentioned here before. Her recipes are always so yummy. I had some buttermilk that I needed to use up, so I substituted one of the cups of milk with buttermilk and for the other cup used my rice milk, which I cook with all the time.
After letting it set for two hours, I was very excited about tasting it. Isn't it pretty? And how did it taste?
It was .... disgusting! Uneatable! Ian and I both threw the whole dish out. Terrible! Lesson learned - buttermilk is NOT good in pudding. I would like to try this recipe again, but next time, I'll follow it a bit more closely.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Life is Mysterious
Then when I got to work, checked my email and saw one from another dear friend, newly pregnant, who started spotting last night and has cramps this morning. Of course, I am praying that the spotting will pass and the baby will stay put, but I can't help but marvel at the mystery of life. And I can't help but wonder what God's master plan is in all this.
But, for both friends, I trust and hope and pray.
Monday, September 12, 2011
A Few Musings
But the truth is, I can hardly remember it. Isn't that strange? Or is that God's mercy, that once the pain is past and answer has come, we can't remember the despair any more? During the year of trying to get pregnant, it felt so real, so raw, so present. But now I don't feel any of that; in fact, I can barely remember what it did feel like. When I look back now, it feels like less of a big deal, like we didn't even try that long, like it wasn't a disappointing process. I can hardly remember being sad each month, even though I know I was.
Why do you think that is? Is it, as I've proposed, God's mercy? Or is it part of being human, that we can only feel and hold onto the emotions we're experiencing now? So what does that mean about learning from past mistakes and being thankful for past blessings, like the Israelites were called to do? Is that categorically against our human nature? Or am I the only one who experiences this phenomenon?
Regardless, in this case, I'm thankful for the memory loss - or rather, the emotional memory loss. I know I felt sad, but I can't conjure up those feelings anymore. My emotions don't seem to remember them. And for that, I'm thankful. I can live in the blessing of this little life, which I feel inside me almost constantly, and not feel resentful that it didn't happen sooner, that it didn't happen on our time table, that it happened to other people faster, sooner, etc. I'm so thankful for our little cricket (less than three months to go!) and so thankful for my emotional memory amnesia.
Check This Out
But not to worry; just after we turned right to head to our street, we saw two fire engines and three cops (must have been a slow day in Long Beach) and the next time we looked out our front door, the gusher was gone. But very exciting!
Vegetable Garden
After it was planted, it did seem to take a few weeks for something to show, but now, WOW! Things are growing like crazy and I love it. Every few days I can't wait to head out to the garden to see what else has happened. I'm amazed at the process - a zucchini will be the size of a chapstick on Tuesday and then on Friday, it will be as big as a ruler. Incredible!
So, here are a few photos to show you how well everything is doing. Here are some yellow squash.