Here is the celebration run down. On Saturday, we had the family over for a joint party for me and Mary (whose birthday was actually that day). We had a great time. We played lots of awesome party games, such as musical chairs, Hungry Rabbit (a marshmallow throwing game into a cookie jar shaped like a rabbit), and pin the tail on the donkey (pictured here). We also ate great Greek food (catered from a Downtown restaurant), had cake and presents and really enjoyed the time together.
All the little black marks on our garage are the various attempts. Not pictured is Heather's (my sister-in-law) attempt, which is on the cement wall to the right, and Ian's, which is on the side of our house to the left. Guess the McCurry side struggles with the spinning effect. It was hysterical to watch everyone walk dizzily to the garage and attempt to pin it on there. Seriously, if you haven't played that game since the 2nd grade, you've got to incorporate it into your next event. Nothing says Christmas party like pin the tail on the donkey. =)
Then on Saturday night, Ian took me out to L'Opera, the restaurant where we had our wedding reception. It's obviously a favorite place of ours and we had such a great time. We enjoyed our dinner and talked there for over two hours, about the coming year and what I'm hopeful for and looking forward to. It was wonderful.
Here we are, by our tree, right before leaving for dinner. So fun!
But that's not all! For our wedding, the worship pastor at my dad's church gave us gift certificates to the Orange County Performing Arts Center and this weekend, we finally found the perfect way to spend them. We went to see Peter Pan in a 360 degree tent - they did this awesome thing with the sides/top of the tent, showing scenes and making you feel like the kids were flying all over London (and other locations). I can't do it justice; go see it if you get the chance. It was amazing. My parents came with us too, which was really fun. I am now a big fan of theatre in the round!
Whew! By the end of the night last night, I felt like a tired little kid after a day at Disneyland - worn out by all my fun! But I wouldn't have traded a minute of it. And there are still so many fun things to come, with our Gondola ride on Thursday, our Christmas Cookie Open House on Saturday and our trip to Colorado for Christmas just 9 days away! (If that doesn't hook you into continued reading, I don't know what would!)
Thanks again for celebrating with me.
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