- I am VERY thankful for my husband. When we got married, I had high expectations about how our marriage would be and how we would feel about each other. Our two years of marriage have WAY exceeded my expectations. I am pretty much daily reminded about what a good gift Ian is.
- I am also very thankful for our home. Without my parents' generous investment, we would not have this home, or perhaps a home ever, at all. And we love our home. We love living in it, entertaining in it, working on it, relaxing in it, cooking in it and more. If you haven't been over and you're reading this, GET OVER TO OUR HOUSE NOW! (Well, maybe not now. Ian's grandparents are coming in town on Sunday and will be staying with us for about 9 days, so we'll be a little full. But come soon!)
- I know everyone expects this, but the truth is, I am very thankful for my family. I get to see my sisters every Monday night, my Sunukjian sister-in-laws once a month for a ladies night, my McCurry sister-in-law every Tuesday morning for prayer, several of my nieces and nephews at church, and that's just the regular stuff. I am so happy we live so close to our family and get to be intimately involved in their lives.
- This year, I've gotten to see more of my college friends than in years past and I'm so thankful for that. I had such an amazing experience at Biola and made some really wonderful friends and it blesses my heart that I still get to see and be involved in so many of their loves. I love you girls!
I could go on and on (and will, in my Christmas letter), but I'll wrap this up for now. Happy Thanksgiving!
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