A Few Good Quotes

"There is something so settled and stodgy about turning a great romance into next of kin on an emergency room form, and something so soothing and special, too." ~ Anna Quindlen

"Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, 'I will try again tomorrow.'" ~Mary Anne Radmacher

Monday, March 2, 2015

Ruthie and Jonah

My kids playing together is one of my favorite things in the world. I love how they can make a game out of everything. I love how Ruthie is the first person Jonah asks for if he ever wakes up before her. I love that Ruthie is constantly calling to Jonah to come play with her. 

We spend lots of time in the backyard, since we apparently have no winter here. =) Here they are, painting together. I overhead Ruthie tell Jonah, "Good job, buddy!"

The other day when we were out for a family walk, they held hands for almost a whole block. It truly melted my heart. 
We recently received some hardware in a box - since opening the box, our kids have made it their house, where they sleep, do legos and play with each for hours. 

They are such good friends and I hope and pray it continues!

Thursday, February 19, 2015


One of my favorite things is seeing our kids play together. Wrestling is a particular favorite, since I have so many fond memories of wrestling from my childhood. 

Here they, playing around yesterday morning. (Why they picked the kitchen when the whole rest of our house is carpet, I don't know.)

I know Jonah looks like he has the upper hand in all these photos, but I'm fairly sure (though I know the tables will turn pretty soon here) she can still take him. But she's such a good big sister and she loves playing with him, so she let's him "win." I give it just a few more months, though, and she won't be "letting" him do anything! 

Wednesday, January 28, 2015


Our tree has hundreds of avocados right now - buttery, smooth, rich avocados. So, we've had lots of guacamole. Ruthie has always been a fan of "mocky-moly" and now Jonah is on the band wagon, too. You can't totally see it in this picture, but he has it coming out of his nose. He ate it straight off the spoon.

To go with the guac, I tried a new recipe for homemade taquitos, which I have to say turned out delicious. But I'm realizing that I need some uses for the avocados besides guacamole. It's yummy, and all, but before our fruiting season is over, we will be sick of guacamole. Yes, it's true. I didn't think that would ever be possible, but I learned from our crop season last year that it is. So if you've got some good recipes, send 'em my way! And if you haven't gotten any avocados from us yet and you would like some, just say the word! 

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Ruthie Sayings

I feel like both our kids are in such a fun stage. Jonah is growing into his personality and we're starting to see his vocabulary explode. Ruthie is becoming quite the young lady and constantly says things that make us laugh hysterically. 

Today we went to lunch with an older couple from our church and when we walked into the restaurant, Ruthie took one look at the mints they had in a bowl by the hostess stand and said for the whole restaurant to hear, "Look! They have treats for poo-poo!" 

And then a few days ago when the kids were playing with the curtains in our bedroom window, Ruthie stepped on the curtain and it ripped. I said, "Oh, baby, look? You tore the curtain. You need to be careful." She then looked down around her feet, paused and said, "But I didn't tear the pillow!" I guess there's the silver lining? 

One of my favorite things about Ruthie's talking is how she talks to Jonah. She calls him Joan, which is super cute, and something she completely came to on her own. We like nicknames at our house and she knows she saying something special when she calls him by that name. She can often be found "reading" to him, singing to him, teaching him something, and, let's be honest, ripping toys out of his hands. But most of the time, I love hearing her talk to her brother.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Visiting Dear Friends

This post is way overdue, but one of my goals for the New Year (see how I avoided accountability by calling it a goal instead of a resolution?) is to blog more, so I'm doing that and not worrying about the timing.

Anyway, in late November we went to visit our dear friends Keith and Chanda in Sacramento. Their two boys are pretty much the same ages as our kids and our two families had so much fun together. They were WONDERFUL hosts, planing delicious meals and super fun outings and we enjoyed our time in the evenings just talking with them and getting caught up. We had enough points from our Jet Blue American Express card to get the whole family there for free and it worked out great for us to stay with them in their lovely home. 

One of the outings was to Apple Hill, a fun family place to enjoy fall. We had some apple cider and apple donuts and walked around enjoying the very fall weather and trees.

 The kids played so well together; we are all really pleased with how much fun they had.

Another one of our great outings was going to Chanda's grandparents' farm. There were tons of cows for the kids to look at, as we headed out in the truck and explored.

 And of course, there were tractors! Our city kids really had such a fun time.
We were so grateful for a good visit with friends and so glad for the ease of traveling with young kids. We can't wait to go again! 

He's a Natural

When we were Downtown during the Christmas break, we ran into some skateboarders who were making a movie (I know, I know, it doesn't get more SoCal than that) and they wanted a shot of Jonah trying it out.

Doesn't he just look like a natural? Look how he's using his arm to balance himself out! I can just see him now, 13 and riding his skateboard all over Long Beach...

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Jonah Man

We love this guy. He is awesome. He is a big time performer and loves to make us laugh. Which he does All. The. Time. If he finds something that makes us laugh, especially Ruthie, he will do it over and over again. 
We've really seen him become a little boy in the past few months. Cars and trucks, especially the trash truck, have become a big draw. Last month when they were tearing up our sidewalk, I often found him like this: 
But while he looks tough, our little guy is just not hardy. We've really had a hard go with his health, as he's frequently sick and his sickness seems so serious. But after two recent trips to the doctor's, our pediatrician has diagnosed him with asthma and started him on a twice daily medicine that he takes via a nebulizer. She is hopeful (and we are too) that this will keep him from getting so sick in the future. It's been heartbreaking to watch him struggle for breath, and so discouraging when the slightest cold turns into wheezing and coughing for days. Anyway, we are praying this new medicine regime will really help him.
We love our Jonah-man and can't imagine our family without him! 

Thursday, January 8, 2015


Sadly, our kids were pretty sick on Christmas Day. No one wanted to eat the fancy breakfast I made; instead, we had lots of crying. And we didn't even get through all the presents before people had to have naps. In fact, we didn't even get through them all that day. It just goes to show that you can never predict things with kids; not everything is a home run. Sometimes you do the best you can. Sometimes you cry and yell on Christmas, and not just the kids. =) 

But, we did still have some good moments. For the first time, Ruthie really understood the concept of the stocking - she loved it! Here she is, pulling out some goodies.
Jonah sort of caught the vision. He timidly pulled items out of his stocking and wondered at the mysteries of fruit snacks.
Here's our tree, prior to the opening, such as it was. I am amazed at how many presents we were able to get for our budget. You got to love the Goodwill and the Dollar Bookstore! 

One of Jonah's "big" gifts was a little drum. He loves it!
Here's Ruthie, opening her baby doll (who has a pacifier!) from Grandma and Grandpa McCurry. With their recent move to Idaho, their gifts came in the mail and were a big hit! 

Here's Jonah in the aftermath - imagine if we'd actually gotten all the presents opened!
I hope your family had a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year. And just to clear the air, no New Year's Eve post is coming. We are not cool and have nothing to report for the evening. I worked at an event Downtown until about 10:30 then hurried home to watch the ball drop with Ian and we were in bed by about 12:03. But if yours was exciting, hats off to you! Anyway, may 2015 be a wonderful year!!

Monday, January 5, 2015

A Winnie the Pooh Party

Our girl is 3. It's so hard to believe! But we had a great time celebrating her at the end of December, at her Winnie the Pooh party. We had lots of family and friends there to help us with the festivities and everyone had a great time, especially the birthday girl.

We started the morning with picking up the balloons that I used for the centerpieces and I'm telling you, we could have called it quits after that and she would have still had a great day. She loved the big bundle! 
I ordered some Pooh decals on Amazon (can I just say how much I love Amazon?) and we put those up the night before her actual birthday and had them up for a few weeks. She loved them and I was really pleased with how much "bang" we got out them. 
Here's a shot of the backyard, as people are beginning to gather. David and his family were in town for Christmas, so Ruthie had an extra dose of cousins at her party and she was super excited! 

After folks arrived, we had lunch, which featured all things honey (because Pooh loves honey) - we had Honey Sesame Chicken with sticky rice, honeydew melon, veggies from Rabbit's garden and Honey Nut Cheerio balls. 

We also played a great game of pin the tail on Eeyore but all those pictures ended up on Ian's phone. So you'll have to use your imagination. But be sure you image a great time, because it was awesome.

And of course we had presents. Everyone was so generous to us and to Ruthie - thank you!  

Among her favorites was a "computer," which she plays with all the time. Thank you, Marshes! 
And also a new car, since the hand-me-down jeep (which was 14 years old) finally bit the dust a month or so ago. Two aunts and uncles and Grandma and Grandpa pulled together to give her this adorable car, which gets lots of play from both our kids. If you look closely, you can see she's also holding the computer. Apparently, she's emailing and driving. Don't look at me - I only text and drive. =) 

We ended the party with a cake per Ruthie's request - chocolate frosting with blue decorations on top. I'm not sure where she got the blue idea from, but hey, it was her day! 

She was so excited about all her presents and friends and cousins that she didn't eat her cake right away; when she did, she just sat down on the cement and starting going at it. Ahh, I love this girl! 

For the party favors, I did a honey pot with some Bit o' Honey candy for each person. What can I say, Pooh loves his honey! 
It was a great day and I'm already excited about next year - what will it be? A tea party? A dress up party? So many choices, because she loves so many things!