These ladies recently got together to throw me a friends' shower, and man, did they do it up! I felt so loved and celebrated. In the photo, from left to right, is Heather, Ian's sister, my prayer partner and long time friend; Amy, former roommate and also long time friend; me; Mary (sister, in case some truly random person is reading this blog); and Chanda, dear friend of about 5 years and new momma herself!
In addition to these wonderful ladies, there were these ladies.
And these ladies.
There are actually a few more that somehow didn't end up in either photo. But can you believe so many beautiful souls wanted to come and rejoice in our coming cricket? And such lovely, generous gifts. I can't say enough about what a great time I had and how loved I felt.
And here is me and Nellie. Never one to miss a grandchild celebration of any kind, my mother was there, with her boy outfit and girl outfit in tow. =) (You'd think from the blue we're both wearing that we knew we were having a boy - but just a coincidence.)